ServInt hosting review

ServInt The company was established in 1995 by then 19 year old Reed Caldwell. At that time, the company contained of an individual Pentium-100 web server running Linux in a college room. It is a provider of controlled virtual private servers, open proxies and dedicated web hosting services, established in Reston, Virginia, US. The company provides hosting services to thousands of sites all around the world. The company partners with many organizations to deliver other products and containing MySQL, Jelastic, Symantec, WordPress and Apache. The company’s Internet Services is one among the world’s most advance international webhosting providers. The company specializes in high-bandwidth, full-service webhosting for businesses. They also provide high-speed Internet access through its Access Services group. Now, the company has expanded to contain thousands of business clients in most U.S. states and over 60 countries worldwide.


  • Customizable single-tenant hardware
  • High performance servers
  • Control panel available
  • Full root access available
  • Fast scalability
  • Unlimited traffic

7 Total Score
ServInt hosting review

ServInt The company was established in 1995 by then 19 year old Reed Caldwell. At that time, the company contained of an individual Pentium-100 web server running Linux in a college room.

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Radhu Goyal

Radhu Goyal

smart girl working with

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